I like where you are going with this - I think you could do more research.
Dog/wolf/human cooperation appears to be at least 33K years old
Chimpanzees do teach their young tool use https://source.wustl.edu/2016/10/wild-chimpanzee-mothers-teach-young-use-tools-video-study-confirms/
More education, meerkats bite the stings off scorpions for their young to practice with https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn13807-meerkats-attend-scorpion-hunting-kindergarten/
Intraspecies communication is common in nature, the gazelle that doesn't notice when the Zebra is spooked is lion meat.
The alarm calls of birds are listened to by all kinds of animals, and threat displays are also communication.
Co-evolution - it's everywhere. The world is full of minds talking to each other.