I think that you are pointing at a very particular kind of religion. While I agree with most of your examples there is one thing I will disagree with.
Religion and religious experience does not always have an answer. At the heart of religious experience is mystery - which is really the opposite of 'yeah I know'.
The sense of mystery and awe before the infinite I'd say is the same thing as you find at the heart of science.
Religion, done well is a series of processes that open groups of people to a sense of 'Holy shit it's fucking amazing and unknowable and what does that say about how I should act in the world?'
Ironically that the world is too vast an complex for individual human understanding is about as universally true as you can get.
It's also science - where there is no unviversal truth, just undsiproved hypotheses.
You won't be able to bully or insult people out of their religions. Usually that just entrenches them.
People regularly stumble out of religions because of the contradictions when dogma is touted as literal infallible truth. I think that's good.
If you want to influence religious people try and meet them in that place of awe and work back from there.
If you want to feel good with your ingroup by laughing at the stupidity of others you can do that too.