Thanks for the summary which I tend to agree with. Given the way things are going in the US (I’m not from there) and the still existing (mostly) Republican rhetoric that this is just flu, not worth upsetting the economy over etc at what point will this change?
Since the article was published (two days ago) the known cases have risen to 85k (which does put America first) but the infections/deaths per million (259/4) people is still low compared to where I am (France 447/26), but we seem to have a more consistent public desire to keep the numbers down.
Tomorrow the US is likely to be the first country to cross 100k cases. It amazes me how many people cannot do this math, or picture what will happen once health services get overwhelmed.
It amazes me that the people who think it’s ‘ok’ to let a percentage of ‘old people’ die do not consider the higher mortality of health workers too.
Be well and may something good come out of this.